‘The worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all. Whether it has been directly through illness, tragic deaths in the community, financially, or simply how we live our lives in general.’
Squash has not been exempt, cutting across players (both recreational and elite), court operators, and through to the PSA Tour and Federations; the impact has taken a number of forms, and has been very wide indeed.
It is very vivid now.
To capture these fresh impressions as an archive, World Squash Library is developing a snapshot of the impact it had; the repercussions; and views on what the future holds.
This will be published on the website, and available so that in future people can look back at the 2020 squash year using information supplied by the squash community.
Please go to COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW and write about your personal and/or business experience of how Covid-19 has impacted squash, your thoughts about how Covid-19 will alter squash in the future and essentially provide us with an insight from those who have experienced the last few Covid months and who will be dealing with the next phase wherever you are in the world.
It will only take a few minutes.
Thank you.